Thursday, November 03, 2005


There is nothing quite like switching career goals between entrepreneurship, consulting, social enterprise, investment banking, and hedge funds, several times in one day. That's what happens when you meet with career services, talk with classmates, meet social entrepreneurs, go to search fund panels, go to seminar on finding a job, etc.

I did find a tool to help me with tough decisions: decide which side of a coin represents each option, flip and while it is in the air listen to your inner voice hoping for one side or the other, put the coin back in your pocket without looking at it. I'll have to find coins with more than two sides.

It is also interesting to try to buy Chinese airline tickets and to realize that the website only takes Chinese credit cards.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Kelly Wallace and I'm putting together a piece on MBA Admissions Consultants for MBA Podcaster - an online source for news, insight, updates and a general behind-the-scenes view on the MBA admission process. More information can be found at:

I'm e-mailing you because I'm looking for B-school students to interview who consulted with MBA Admissions Consultants to assist them with the application/essay process. If you (or any of your fellow students) utilized a consultant and would like to be interviewed please contact me at the number below.

The discussion (with me, Graham Richmond of Clear Admit Consulting, and an admissions rep from Wharton B-School) will be taking place this Tuesday, November 29th at 2 p.m. EST. I understand this is very short notice; however, we may be postponing for later in the week if we can't fit everyone into the time slot. I can forward you a copy of the questions I'll be asking.

Thanks so much. I can be reached at 971.533.0155 in Portland, OR.

If you have any questions about MBA Podcaster you can direct them to

11:33 AM  
Blogger Dave Hunter said...

So how helpful do you find your career advice?

Maybe you can give me some- right now I am choosing between being- a chef, a teacher, Law school or an online MBA
( Online MBA )

Any advice?

2:03 PM  
Blogger cali mba said...

We'll see how helpful my career advice ends up being. It takes a lot more than flipping a coin. Without knowing the details of your situation, I'd suggest:

1. Be strategic. Ask yourself where you might want to be in 5 years, 10 years, 25 years, and think about the best way to get there.
2. Ignore the pressures of others. Think about each potential path and ask yourself if family, friends, or society are influencing you.
3. Learn from others. Talk to as many people as possible who have experience with your potential careers/educational options.

4:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

American Airlines only take American credit card too.

12:14 PM  

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